60 Janusz Korchak, Str., Kyiv

Charitable Foundation for development
of the National Library of Ukraine for Children


The National Children's Library of Ukraine received another grant. With the support of the charity "International Organization "Innovative Educational Technologies", library users will be able to join the FIRST LEGO League Junior program of the 2018-2019 season "MISSION: THE MOON".

On the basis of the library, it is planned to create a scientific and cognitive space for children - Robotics. Its goal is to inspire young users with the help of the Lego Education set to join the world of science and innovation, to expand the boundaries of alternative leisure.

Classes will be held in the library for readers aged 6-10, and the formed team will be able to participate in tournaments and championships.

The 2018-2019 season of "MISSION: THE MOON" is devoted to research and solving problems of the Moon and space travel.
